Some time ago, I started a thread on Candlekeep called Valuable Villains...and I think it is time I expand that so that anyone outside of the good ol' Keep can also have Valuable Villains to work into their campaigns!
Today, I'll be talking about one of my all time favorite Valuable Villains: "Baron" Krell.

“Lord” Krell is an insidious dealer of
intrigue matched by few who know of him; and in truth few do know of Baron
Krell as he keeps a very low profile. His wilderness fortress sits astride a
rather obscure backwoods trading trail rarely used by reputable merchants; but
it is in fact much faster (if somewhat more dangerous) than the commonly used
route in the area. This pleases Krell quite well, as it allows him to be close
at hand to the intrigues of the land, but in a place that few travel to.
Krell’s story is one of twisting fate,
and began over three decades ago when he was ordained a Paladin! He was an
intensely loyal and fervent adherent to his faith; even known commonly as “Krell
the Kind” for his constant donations to the poor of the land and his steadfast
vows of always allowing even the most evil individuals to have the opportunity
of forgiveness and redemption. His adventures were many, and he brought many
evil individuals to justice; but not at the end of a sword, but in the halls of
justice in whatever land he lived within. He was by no means without ability with
sword and lance however! Krell was well known in tournaments as a champion
jouster and swordsman.
The first turning point in Krell’s life
was laid as a trap for him by a wizard he had foiled on several occasions. The
wizard, named Varlhaz, was a minor mageling intent on obtaining nobility by
forced marriage to a Lady of one family or another; but Krell had on two
occasions prevented the wizard from magically compelling such unions on
unwitting noble Ladies. Infuriated at Krell’s continued interference, he had
acquired a nasty artifact to enact his vengeance upon Krell: a Helm of Opposite
Varlhaz arranged that this magical helm
be part of a suit of armor to be rewarded as the prize in a minor jousting tournament;
and then ensured that Krell would win the tournament by continually using his
magic to the bane of Krell’s opponents. As the wizard hoped, Krell won the
tournament and was awarded the armor as one part of his purse. Krell later
donned the armor, sans helmet, for the victory banquet before returning to his
own tent after. Wanting to see how the full suit looked upon him, a Lady-in-Waiting
(an unwitting accomplice of Varlhaz) asked Krell to don the helmet as well so
that she could view her “Knight in Shining Armor” in all his glory. Needless to
say, the result was tragic.
Krell “the Kind” became known soon after
as Krell “the Cruel” to the people of the land. He, not understanding what had
happened to his own heart, left off from his own people for many years. He
became a mercenary adventurer renowned for his cruel leadership and butchery in
equal measure. He eventually tired of simple-minded pursuits and, having gained
knowledge he hadn’t possessed before, returned to his homeland for revenge.
Though he didn’t know who had caused his fall, he had learned that only with
such evil magic could he have been so changed. No longer possessing the kind
heart he had before…his vengeance was swift and deadly. He knew that only
someone who wished him harm directly would have used such magic on him; and his
list of enemies was small.
One dark night, Lord Varlhaz, was
entertaining guests in his country estate; which he had finally gained at the
expense of an insipid young lady who fell for his enchantments. The chamber
doors burst open and Krell the Cruel entered with his mercenary warriors in
tow. It didn’t take long for all in the hall to fall either in surrender or
death before Krell and his warriors; Lord Varlhaz throwing himself at the mercy
of his old foe. A short, and brutal, interrogation ensued in which Varlhaz
confessed before all present what he had done…and Krell summarily executed the
man on the spot. Going one step further, he had his henchman Hedrik marry him
to the now widowed former wife of Varlhaz the very next day who was quickly
enamored of the powerful warrior.

Krell has, for the past decades, become
one of the most powerful individuals in the land. His private army numbers
several hundred strong and is in a position that would take a King’s army to
dislodge. Further, he has agents in many lands; being master of thieves and
assassins alike. While no genius, Krell is a natural negotiator and manipulator
because of his great charisma and insight into the hearts of others. No longer
as chaotic as he was in his youth after losing his Paladinhood; Krell is still
a thoroughly evil and reprehensible man. His outwardly strict adherence to the
laws of the land keeps him out of trouble with the law and without trouble from
other nobles of his homeland; though in other lands he is not so serene in his
acceptance of laws which inhibit his desires.
Krell actually ensured his strength via the
purchase of a true noble title. He arranged marriage with the daughter of a
Baron from a foreign Kingdom; and then promptly had the entire family (save his
new wife) assassinated. Feigning no desire to take over the lands of the
family, he sold them for a “bargain” to a Count (which was fully part in the
assassinations) with the approval of the Baron’s Liege Lord (who’s family Krell
theoretically still owes fealty to). Still retaining the title of Baron, Krell
brought his new wife to live with him and there she stayed for many years a
virtual slave to his will. After “gifting” him with two sons as heirs, she
passed on while bearing a third child; and Krell was none the less happy as the
fortune he secured via their marriage had long before that time been invested
and used to further Krell’s power.
Today, Baron Krell (his given name is
Heldrath) is possibly one of the most powerful individuals in the land. He has
ensured his protection via immense gifts to the Grandfather of Assassins (such
gifts include supply of muscle, coin and information), owns several merchants
who must pay him indefinitely due to past loans, extracts heavy tolls to use
his road, holds debts from several wizards (and is currently served by the
apprentice of one of these wizards), donates heavily to nearly every clerical
order in the land (ensuring the good will of the Patriarchs and Matriarchs of
those faiths), sponsors several bands of adventurers that he uses as subtly
manipulated hit-men via intermediary agents, is the true master of several
thieves which lead bands of their ilk in numerous towns and cities, and so much
more as well.

The Baron never leaves his home at the
behest of anyone; his supposed Liege Lord is well aware of his true power and
does not summon him…while the other Lords of his homeland have no true claim to
call on him either. His holding exists within a wilderness area which is free
from any claim but his own and no noble or royal house has made claim to the
land but him. His own family died out with the death of his older brothers (one
killed while in battle, and the other by a dragon which burned down the family
manor…which many think, but don’t say, was sent by Krell!) and their lands were
also sold off by Baron Krell. He is, in essence, a Free Lord with no
responsibility to anyone (though loose claim exists that his lands belong to
the greater realm).
Baron Heldrath Krell
is a master villain plain and simple.
Depending on what campaign world you are playing in, you could use Krell in various ways. I wanted to share with you where I think he would be well at home in various campaign worlds; although, these are not always the places I have used him in the past.
GREYHAWK: In my version of Greyhawk, Krell has set up shop in a very nice spot between the Viscounty of Verbobonc, Free City of Dyvers and the Elf Kingdom of Celene. Right where you see the Star/Circle. (Thanks to Anna Meyer for the awesome base map!)
He ensures his "freedom" by generously paying Salt Tax to both the Viscount of Verbobonc and the Free City of well as reminding both that he is on amicable terms with the "right people". His title of Baron he holds from the now defunct Shield Lands where his family once lived and in which land he was once known as Krell the Kind...yes, he was once a Knight of Holy Shielding. This is my most often used area for Krell, and he has deep ties with the criminal elements of Verbobonc, Dyvers and Greyhawk City (where he has strong ties with Turin Deathstalker). He never cared at all for the ascension of the Temple of Elemental Evil in the area; but gave them token cooperation until the place was crushed. Krell's evil is not overt...he knows (having been a Paladin once!) what happens to the overtly power-hungry in the world.
FORGOTTEN REALMS: In the of my favorite places, Krell has set up his holding in what was once a Dale, but is now shattered.
Krell's connections here are very subtle indeed sitting upon the border of Cormyr as he does. He is a steadfast member of the Cult of the Dragon in my Forgotten Realms. He openly supports the protection of Highmoon, tries to interest merchants to skirt through "his" lands to the Moonsea from Archendale and has proclaimed his lands an ally of Cormyr who he sends gifts to on a regular basis. In the background however, he works with several evil groups beyond even the Cult of the Dragon. He has many interests in Sembia he is heavily invested in and even within the walls of Zhentil Keep, Hillsfar and as far away as Mulmaster, Thentia and Melvaunt. He is originally from Cormyr, but his title of "Baron" is absent in this game where instead he had previously wed a cousin of Lashan of Scardale. He openly opposed Lashan during that war and sent arms and some few soldiers against his In-Law on the side of Highmoon.
BIRTHRIGHT: In the world of Cerilia I placed Krell in the land of Mhoried in the Viscounty of Torien's Watch. That fella over at Halfblogre does some awesome maps!
I just replaced what he calls Caerholm with Krell's Manor and there you go! In this world, Krell is very much at ease in his holding. He pays his due, but is in deep with the Guilds of Cariele and even has dealings with the Goblins of Markazor, the Warlock of the Stonecrowns and several groups in Thurazor as well. He treads lightly, but because he is un-blooded, he isn't seen as a great threat by many. In my Birthright World though, he actually holds the key to recovering the ancient Imperial Line of Anuire!
Well, there are just a trio of places you could have the fellow...he can really be used in any game in any system quite frankly!
Where will YOU use Baron Krell?
EDIT: someone else suggested THIS quick read as a companion to this article, and I agree!
EDIT: someone else suggested THIS quick read as a companion to this article, and I agree!
What about Mystara,
ReplyDeleteWhere would you place "Lord" Krell there?
In Mystara Krell would be well placed either north of Karameikos in a border area of Darokin (near Selenica) or else as Lord of a keep between Darokin and Glantri. He works best somewhere in the borders of Darokin...especially if you plan to use the module he is featured in. It would be great fun to have a King of Darokin!